Express Finance Complaints Procedure

We do everything possible to ensure all our customers obtain a professional service. However, there may be occasions when you may feel the level of service you received has fallen below an acceptable standard. If this is the case you should contact us to voice your concerns and we will do our utmost to put things right as soon as possible.

How to Complain

If you feel the level of service you received has fallen below an acceptable standard you can contact us by:

  • Telephone: 01489 790 620
  • Email:
  • Letter to: Express Finance Loans Ltd, Unit 1 Hedge End Business Centre, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2AU

How long does it take us to deal with your complain

Where possible we aim to resolve your complaint by the end of the next working day following receipt of your complaint. You will be contacted as soon as possible via email or telephone and we will attempt to resolve your complaint without delay. If the complaint can be resolved at this stage no further action is necessary.

If your complaint cannot be resolved by close of business on the business day following its receipt, it will be acknowledged by an email which will contain a brief synopsis of our understanding of the complaint and an outline of the action we intend to take, as well as an estimate of how long the complaint should take to resolve.

If your complaint cannot be resolved within five business days a director will take responsibility for the complaint and will be writing to you providing an outline of the action we intend to take as well as an estimate of how long the complaint should take to resolve.

If your complaint remains unresolved you will be updated within four weeks of your original complaint giving you a progress report and expected time to resolve. In the unlikely event that your complaint is still unresolved you will be updated within eight weeks of original complaint by letter or email giving you the reasons for the delay. You will also be informed in this letter that you have the option to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are not satisfied with the delay. A copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service’s explanatory leaflet will be provided.

Our Final Response

When your complaint is concluded you will receive a letter with our final response. It will provide you with our decision and what we propose to do in order to remedy the situation. We will also inform you that if you are unsatisfied with our final response you have the option to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

If we have reasonable grounds that the fault alleged in a complaint lies with another firm (e.g. broker/lender) we will refer your complaint to them immediately on receipt by email or telephone with a confirmation in writing, if required, within five days. In this event, we will also send a final response to you in order to inform you of the circumstances and contact details of the other firm.

Financial Ombudsman Service

If you are not happy with our final response you are entitled to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You must do this within six months from the date you received our final response. The Financial Ombudsman offers a free and independent service where, subject to it meeting the qualifying criteria, they will look at your complaint, along with our response. The Financial Ombudsman Service will only consider your complaint after we have provided our final response.

You can find out more about the Financial Ombudsman Service on their website at

You can write to the Financial Ombudsman Service at:
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
1 Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9SR

Telephone 0845 0801800
